3.21.19 Announcements

Clubs & Activities

Join us tomorrow for College/University Day in honor of March Madness!

A free Math SAT Prep class is being offered to Juniors on the following four Fridays: March 22ndMarch 29thApril 5th, and May 3rd from 2:30 to 3:45. Interested students should see Ms. Lombardi to register.  In order to ensure a productive tutoring session, this class will be limited to the first 15 students who register. 

Among the topics to be covered will be:  How to use the College Board Website to sign up for the SAT's and access the Problem-of-the-Day and Practice Tests; Short-Cuts with a Graphing Calculator; and Practice with Fractions and Word Problems.

SST Theatre tickets for this year's performance of Second Samuel may be purchased from Ms. Keith in room 103 before or after school.  Performances will be on April 4th, 5th, and 6th

In an effort to accommodate even more requests, we will sell prom tickets during Friday Lunches. If you are paying with a check remember to have checks made out to SSVT. We will continue to sell tickets online. Prom tickets are $55. Starting in April they will increase to $65. Buy now and save!

The Outdoor Adventure Club is planning its annual White Water Rafting Trip over Memorial Day weekend. Sign-ups are now available with Mr. Carll in room 309 or on the website under the activities tab. 

Have you been tardy? Do you have detention hours? 
Don't show up for detentions and be invited to Saturday Suspension on March 23. 

Do you play a Spring sport? Spring Athletes must complete all detention hours before being placed on a team.